Correct Storage Of Timber On Site

When it comes to the storage of timber once delivery is received, it is essential that the timber is stored in the correct conditions to maintain it’s quality and minimise potential damage.  Here are some guidelines for onsite timber storage:-

Ventilated storage

Timber should be stored in a cool, dry and well ventilated area, preferable undercover to prevent moisture buildup.  Excess moisture can lead to performance issues such as movement, mould and warping.  Ensure proper airflow around the stored timber.

Elevate off ground

Avoid direct contact with the ground, as this can lead to absorption of moisture from the ground.  Use bearers or other supports to elevate the timber. Ensure that no water can pool underneath the packs during storage and ensure that any moisture is drawn away from the timber. 

Shaded storage

If possible, store timber in a shaded area to reduce exposure to direct sunlight.  This can help prevent discoloration and minimize the risk of excessive moisture loss resulting in movement or checking.

Cover and protect

The plastic wrap timber arrives in is not a sufficient waterproof barrier.  Cover the timber with a waterproof tarp to shield it from environmental factors such as rain and sun but also building site contaminants like dust, filings and debris. 

This protects the timber from weathering, minimizes moisture exposure and direct contact from contaminants that can cause issues like iron staining.

Dry environment

It is very important that timber stays dry at all times.  Ensure boards do not get wet as this can cause issues with movement of timber during installation and in service. Any water that has pooled on top of tarp or covering should be removed as soon as possible. Again the plastic that all timber arrives in is not a sufficient waterproof barrier. 

If wetting does occur, separate the timber with strips between each layer, and place in a well ventilated area allowing a minimum 48 hours to dry before installation.

Keep it level

Ensure that the storage area is level to prevent any leaning or tilting of the timber stack. When the pack has been split open ensure that lengths of timber are neatly stacked and re-strapped when possible. This helps to maintain the integrity of the product and prevent warping.

Protect from construction activity

Position timber away from high traffic areas and construction activities to minimize the risk of damage from machinery, tools, accidental impacts and construction dust or debris.

Timely use

Ideally, use the stored timber as soon as possible to minimize prolonged exposure to the elements and potential damage.  If storage is necessary for an extended period of time, monitor the condition regularly and take preventative measures as needed.

Regular inspection

Periodically inspect stored timber for any signs of damage or other issues.  Promptly address any problems to prevent them from affecting the quality of the wood.

By following these guidelines, you can help ensure that timber remains dry and in good condition during storage,  minimising potential installation and in service risks.

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